On the basis of projected volumes of rendering state or municipal services and the established standards of the financial cost of their provision, and subject to the execution of the income and expenses of the reporting period oteli v novosibirske prepares and submits budget request for next fiscal year that is submitted for approval to the chief administrator or the Manager of budgetary funds. Budgetary establishment uses budgetary funds according to the approved estimates of income and expenditure. So, kvartirnoe bjuro novosibirsk under performance of revenues and expenses in the expenditure of funds received from extrabudgetary sources. Budgetary establishment subordinated to Federal Executive authorities, uses budgetary funds exclusively through the personal accounts of budgetary institutions, which are conducted by the Federal Treasury. Budgetary institution has no right to obtain credits (loans) the credit organisations, other legal and physical persons, from budgets of budgetary system of the Russian Federation.9. Give the definition of "trust Fund budget". What trust funds were created in the composition of Federal spending in the last decade? Target budgetary Fund is a Fund of funds formed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the budget at the expense of the revenues earmarked or right of target deductions from concrete types of income or other receipts and used under the separate estimate. Means of target budgetary Fund cannot be used for purposes not relevant to the appointment of target budgetary Fund.For the first time fotografii ulic goroda novosibirska were established in the Russian Federation in the period of transition to new economic relations on the basis of the Law of RSFSR "About bases of the budgetary device and budgetary process in RSFSR" from October 10, 1991. The main reason of their creation – necessity of allocation of extremely important expenses and providing them with an independent source of income. Among them, took the leading role of the social extrabudgetary funds. At creation of social off-budget funds, the objective was to "unload" the budget from an essential share of social expenses which within the limits of the budget were financed with great difficulties. Subsequently, after exhausting the positive resources from the operation of a number of extra-budgetary funds, the Housing office decided to consolidate them in the budget to hire additional kvartiry posutochno v novosibirske, while maintaining a certain autonomy of such residential foundations.Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) was established to control state finances of pension provision in the Russian Federation and is an independent financial institution. the social insurance Fund (SIF) was established in order to ensure state guarantees in system of social insurance and increase of control over a correct and effective expenditure of social insurance and is an independent financial-credit institution. The management of the Fund of social insurance of the Russian Federation is exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation.the mandatory health insurance Fund (HIF) is intended for accumulation of financial funds and ensure the stability of the state system of compulsory medical insurance when renting and staying in daily kvartiry na sutki novosibirsk. For the implementation of the state policy in the field of compulsory health insurance established under Federal and territorial funds of compulsory medical insurance as an independent non-profit financial institution. br> 10. Give the definition of "public debt of the subject of the Russian Federation". What are the requirements to limit the volume of state debt of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation established in the Budget code of the Russian Federation? the Public debt of the subject of the Russian Federation — is the aggregate of debt liabilities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, provide all owned by the subject of the Russian Federation the property constituting the Treasury. the Debt liabilities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation exist in the form of: 1) credit agreements and contracts concluded on behalf of the subject of the Russian Federation from natural and legal persons, credit institutions, foreign States, international financial organizations; 2) state loans of the subject of the Russian Federation, carried out through issue of securities the subject of the Russian Federation; 3) agreements on the provision of programs for peredacha fajlov i soobshhenij v internete, contracts of guarantee subject of the Russian Federation on provision of execution of obligations by third parties; 4) reissue of debt obligations of third parties in the public debt of the subject of the Russian Federation on the basis of adopted law of the subject; 5) agreements and treaties, including international, concluded on behalf of the subject of the Russian Federation, about prolongation and restructuring of debt obligations of constituent entities of the past years.The maximum volume of state debt of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal debt may not exceed net income of the corresponding budget without the financial help from budgets of other levels of budgetary system of the Russian Federation. the modern System of sources of financial law includes the following links:1. The Constitution Of The Russian Federation.2. Financial legislation, which, in turn, includes the following elements:a) Federal financial legislation giving the right to lease arenda kvartir v novosibirske: b) the regional financial laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the budget of those entities on regional taxes, etc.; C) normative legal acts on local budgets and local taxes (decisions on local budgets and taxes), adopted by representative bodies of local self-government. 3. Normative legal acts on financial matters: a) acts of bodies of General competence:— the decrees of the head gazeta avangard v demjanske;— Government regulations; — subordinate normative legal acts on issues related to the financial activities undertaken by the Executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or Executive authorities of local self-government;b) the acts of bodies of special competence: — the departmental normative legal acts on issues related to Finance authorities of special competence. 4. Treaties Of The Russian Federation. 5. The decision of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. |